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Terms & Conditions

Stall Holder Terms and Conditions

Definitions: Alcester and Forest of Arden Food Festival Ltd. hereinafter referred to as AAFF. "We, Us and Our" refer to AAFF.  "You" refers to the  person or organisation booking with us. "Written Agreement" is the booking confirmation from us to you.


Booking Conditions:

  • The booking is made with the party named in the agreement and is not transferable.

  • Booking will only be confirmed on receipt of full payment as defined in the written agreement.

  • Bookings for AAFF are accepted on the basis of the proposed merchandising/activity shown on the application form. On no account must extra cooking equipment such as barbecues, fryers, grills etc. be used unless prior permission has been obtained at time of booking.

  • All units must operate between the hours of 9.00am and 5.00pm on the day of the festival.

  • At the close of the event your stand/space must be left tidy and in good order and any litter taken away or put in the skip provided.

  • We reserve the right to remove from sale any stock that differs from the declared items and if necessary to shut down such operations. In the event of these unfortunate circumstances no refund will be given. No merchandise is to be displayed outside your allocated space without prior agreement.

  • Booking applications are reviewed on an individual basis, once an application has been accepted an invoice will be sent. An application is only confirmed once we have received payment and relevant PLI, Risk Assessment and TENS.

  • Although we make every effort to meet individual requests, there is no guarantee these can be met.

  • We aim to make the festival as diverse and interesting as possible but we cannot guarantee any monopoly. You need to be aware that we would love to take everybody who applies to us. Unfortunately we are limited for space in the centre of Alcester. Also, another consideration is diversity - this means we cannot have too many products of the same type which would be unhelpful for traders or customers alike. We also look at what is unique or special about a particular product so there is often diversity within a type of product. These decisions are never made lightly.


Termination of Booking:

If the event is cancelled due to external circumstances beyond our control, refunds will be made with a 25% handling charge to cover our sunk costs. We reserve the right to cancel your booking immediately if you fail to comply with Terms and Conditions, become bankrupt or fail to comply with Health and Safety practices. In the event of you cancelling your booking more than 30 days before the event a refund will be made less a 25% administration charge. Any cancellations made less than 30 days before the event will only be refunded if we are able to accept another booking. Failure to attend an event will result in forfeiture of the booking fee.

Health and Safety:

Exhibitors are responsible for compliance with Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and relevant Food Standards and for ensuring safe working practices. In the event of an incident in which you or any sub-contractor is involved you will assume full responsibility. Incidents or concerns outside your allocated space must be referred immediately to the organisers. 



You are responsible for having current Public and Product Liability insurance for a limit of no less than £2 million. A copy of your insurance covering your activities and trading must be sent with your booking. Your booking cannot be accepted without current insurance cover. You agree not to do anything which could cause your policy to become wholly or partially void. You indemnify us against all losses arising from any act of negligence on your behalf. You will report to us any accidents involving injury to the public within the site.

Utility Supply:

NIC-EIC approved contractors carry out all electrical inspections for AAFF. Any electrical appliance brought to the site must have portable appliance testing (PAT) certification from a qualified electrical engineer which must be available to AAFF. Any portable generators shall be a certified Super Silent type. You are requested to bring your own extension leads. We cannot be held responsible for any loss of trade caused by the failure of electrical services provided by a third party. Neither can we be held responsible or guarantee help if equipment fails due to you not booking the correct supply needed on the day.


All necessary security facilities are in place during AAFF and every effort will be made to ensure the safety of all our visitors. All property including merchandise and vehicles if left on site or in the designated parking areas are at owner’s risk.


Privacy Policy:

Please click here and read our Privacy Policy before booking,

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